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Digital Memberships FAQ's
Digital Memberships FAQ's
Berkshire Botanical Garden Membership Is Going Digital!
- Renewal alert messages sent right to your email.
- Quick, scannable entry into the Garden.
- Guest passes that are shareable via email.
- Reduction of plastic cards.
- Ability to redownload card.
- Easy reference for your member benefits, promotions, upcoming events, art exhibitions, discounts, and reciprocals!
- Downloadable maps and NARM, ROAM, and AHS participating gardens and museums list straight from your card or email.
- Quick membership card processing.
- Access Your Cards and Benefits Almost Instantly
hat To Expect
All current BBG members will soon receive an email with their new digital membership cards and guest passes.
- The email will prompt members as to how to download their digital cards (takes just two minutes or less) to their iPhone or Android, or see below for how to Install.
- Physical membership cards and digital membership cards will be accepted at BBG's Admissions, as will physical guest passes. Paper program vouchers will still be accepted for "at the door" payment.
- Digital guest passes and program vouchers will be sent out upon renewal following the launch of cuseum.
- If you prefer physical cards, please reach out to us to provide those for you. In the future we will charge a green-fee for providing paper cards, however, we will be providing them free of charge for the next year.
Please reach out to Megan Weiner, the manager of Membership and Devleopment, at or 413-298-4532 with any questions.
How to Install:
iPhones have a native app called Apple Wallet. Click the "Download" button in the email you received on your iPhone, then "Add to Wallet," then "Add." Your digital membership card will automatically download to the Apple Wallet app.
- To access the digital wallet, swipe down on your home screen to activate the Search function. Type "Wallet" into the search bar. Then, tap the Wallet icon that appears under the "Applications" header. From there, you will be able to access your digital card!
If you have an Android device, we would like to share our recommendation for Google Wallet as the #1 option for Android users. Google Wallet is a native OS app that is easy to use, reliable, secure, and already pre-installed on most Android devices:
- If you choose the Google Wallet app:
- Make sure the Google Wallet app is installed. If not, you may download it from here. Open the email directly from your phone Tap on the "Download Membership" button Click on "add to Google Wallet" A preview will appear. Click on "Save to Google Wallet" In some cases, Google Wallet might ask you to log in so you can save it to an account. Please log in to continue (no credit card information should be required). The card will be saved to Google Wallet and you will be able to access it from the Google Wallet app at any moment.
- We strongly encourage members to use Google Wallet as the primary digital wallet solution for Android, but will continue to help you in case you’d like to use an alternative Android wallet option, like Wallet by Wallet Union.
Help Our Garden Grow!
Your donation helps us to educate and inspire visitors of all ages on the art and science of gardening and the preservation of our environment.
All Donations are 100% tax deductible.