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Program Calendar

Saturday, May 18
Meadows are often a draw for certain species of birds that require open grassland space and prefer more open and edge habitats. Many native species provide important food sources for birds when they go to seed in the fall, but are also home to many larvae...
Saturday, Jun 8
Forest Bathing, or Shinrin Yoku, is centered around opening oneself to the healing power of the natural world. Studies have shown that Forest Bathing helps lower stress and anxiety, strengthen immune function, improve cardiovascular and metabolic health,...
Saturday, Jun 29
Led by Tom Ingersoll and Melissa LeVangie Ingersoll on Saturday, June 29, from 1 to 4 p.m., participants will revisit trees through the seasons (this class will look at the summer season) and witness their unique characteristics. Identify species of trees...
Saturday, Jul 13
Join Russ Cohen at River Walk, a project of Great Barrington Land Conservancy, on Saturday, July 13 from 1 to 3:30 p.m. for a walk focusing on edible native plant species, including species that you might like to plant in your yard. Russ will share some...
Thursday, Aug 8
New Day Films presents “The Lost Bird Project,” a film on sculptor Todd McGrain and the outdoor sculptures he created to memorialize five extinct North American bird species on Thursday, August 8 from 6 to 8 p.m. After the film, learn from the artist...
Friday, Aug 9 to Sunday, Aug 11
Free with Garden Admission, August 9, 10, 11 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Among the art installations, Grow Show and public programs recognizing the vulnerabilities of nature, experience an extraordinary immersion into the world of caterpillars. The Caterpillar...
Friday, Sep 20
Join Jennifer Tafe, director of the Museum of American Bird Art (MABA) to learn about the history of Mass Audubon’s mission to prevent bird extinction during the 19th century, and see how they continue to inspire their art collection on Friday,...

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