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Cultivating Mushrooms at Home: Winecaps, Oysters and Shiitakes

May 22, 2021 5 p.m. to May 23, 2021 6:45 p.m.

Berkshire Botanical Garden

Come explore the fascinating realm of growing mushrooms with Willie Crosby of Fungi Ally. Learn about the basic mushroom life cycle and the important ecological roles that fungi fill. The discussion will focus on several different methods of mushroom cultivation on wood, including shiitake on logs, oysters on totems and wine cap mushrooms on wood chips. Leave with the tools and knowledge to start cultivating mushrooms in your garden! All participants will take home an inoculated log that will produce mushrooms for years to come.

Willie Crosby is the owner of Fungi Ally, a mushroom company located in Montague, MA, focusing on mushroom research, education and spawn production. Willie has received six research and education grants over the last five years to study and educate the public on mushrooms. Willie aims to create a world of balance and connection through revealing the power of mushrooms.

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