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Field Study: The Wilds of Church House

July 8, 2022 2 p.m. to 4 p.m.

Offsite/Falls Village CT

Join us as we explore the gardens of Church House in Northwestern CT with acclaimed gardener and writer Page Dickey. While Church House is encircled by flower gardens, our visit will focus on how Page has worked to integrate these gardens into the wilder parts of the landscape she stewards. Page says, “We are fortunate to have some native grasses and forbs in both the front and back meadow. Little Bluestem seems to love our sandy poor soil, and, as I pull competing invasives like spotted knapweed (Centaurea stoebe), I am rewarded to see little bluestem spreading more each year. We are graced with stretches of bergamot and asclepias, and black-eyed Susans weave through fleabane and the delicate Lobelia spicata. Our high, rocky, oak-littered woods are decorated with our native columbine (Aquilegia canadensis) in May and the blue Campanula rotundifolia in summer among a wealth of natives that thrive in limestone. Paths we’ve made in the low rich woods lead to a boardwalk through a fen, a calcareous wetland, full of eupatoriums and asters. It is a thrill to have these various habitats that are a haven for birds and butterflies as well as us!” Join us for this unique and intimate opportunity to explore one of the well-loved gardens in our region, documented in Page’s book “Uprooted”. Scholarships are always available.

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