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Garden Practicum

Sept. 3, 2019 9 p.m. to Sept. 4, 2019 8:45 p.m.

Education Center at Berkshire Botanical Garden

The garden practicum will complement Level 1 classroom work through hands-on training in the garden. Work alongside garden staff and other garden professionals practicing gardening techniques; usually beginning with a demonstration and instruction, activities include propagation, transplanting, tree care, pruning, dividing, planting, cultivation and maintenance of annuals, perennials, shrubs and trees. Students need to complete 15 hours of work scheduled on Saturdays and/or weekdays throughout the year.

Students may register at any point throughout the year and will have one year to complete the 15 required hours.

A brief informational session will take place before the first Level 1 class on Tuesday, September 3 at 5:00pm. 

Contact Chris Wellens at (413) 357-4657 or email at for any questions.

learn more about the Horticulture Certificate Program

Fall 2019 Garden Practicum Offerings

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