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Plant Health Care

Nov. 28, 2023 Midnight to Dec. 19, 2023 Midnight

Berkshire Botanical Garden

Led by Ken Gooch, this program runs from Nov. 21 to Dec. 19, from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. and focuses on factors that affect plant health care, including insects, diseases, pathogens and abiotic influences. Basic diagnostic techniques will be taught. Learn to minimize potential problems through proper site preparation, plant selection and placement. Managing problems using biological, chemical and cultural techniques will be discussed with a focus on integrated pest management.

Ken Gooch is the former Forest Health Program Director for the Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation. Additionally, he is a Massachusetts Certified Arborist and teaches arboriculture at the Garden.  He will be sharing the course with professors from UMASS Extension, Tawny Symisky and Nick Brazee.

Advance registration is required.

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