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Spring Hive Management

March 31, 2018 2 p.m. to April 1, 2018 3:45 p.m.

Education Center at Berkshire Botanical Garden

Join Massachusetts state Beekeeper Ken Warchol for an in-depth lecture on spring management of honey bee hives. This lecture will focus on how to manage spring hive population build-up, feeding, dividing, pest monitoring and protection and most importantly how to prevent swarming. For beekeepers this program will provide critical information and most especially timing of important management techniques to get the honey season off to a positive start. Following this class, participants are welcome to stay to meet and discuss beekeeping with others.

Ken Warchol is a 6th generation beekeeper and former teacher whose lectures are enjoyed by expert and novice beekeepers alike. He has previously served as a Massachusetts State Bee Inspector.

Advance registration is highly recommended, but walk-ins are always welcome, space permitting.
Withdrawals: To withdraw your registration from a class, please contact us as soon as possible so we can make your space available to others. If you give us at least 7 days’ notice prior to the event, we will refund you less an administrative fee equaling 25% of the program cost. Please note: we cannot offer refunds for withdrawals less than 7 days before a class.

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